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Monday, June 05, 2006

CA-50: Help Francine Busby Get Out The Vote

The latest poll in CA-50 shows the race neck and neck. Yet no matter where you live, you can help put Francine Busby over the top by volunteering with MoveOn. From an email:

Tomorrow is Election Day in California's 50th Congressional District, where progressive Francine Busby is looking for the last few hundred votes to win.

The national Republican Party has spent over $4 million desperately trying to beat her. They've even tried to drive a wedge between Busby and us by mentioning your work in one of their ads.1 We're not going to let that happen. So together, we're redoubling our effort.

Despite all the Republican attacks, the election is a "dead heat just 48 hours before voters head to the polls..."2

This weekend, MoveOn members made over 30,000 calls to progressive voters. We need to call another 10,000 Busby supporters tomorrow to put Busby over the top. As one of our most active members, can you call for 30 minutes tomorrow, Tuesday, to remind Busby supporters to vote? Click here to pick a time:

Tomorrow's calling is especially important. Studies show that a reminder to vote can have a huge impact. Turnout is usually low in special elections like this, so the voters we contact could make all the difference.

Plus it's easy and fun:

"I'm hearing a lot of enthusiasm for Busby."--Ken F, Needham, MA

"So great to be able to help in small increments of time, and from home."--Marlene R., San Rafael, CA

"I think this new system is great. Having made calls for MoveOn before, I think this is even easier and more efficient."--Gerald H., Upper Darby, PA

This race could help set the stage for taking back Congress in November. As yesterday's Washington Post put it, "...some Republicans say that a loss Tuesday would be a stunning symbolic blow to their party, which has been roiled over the past year by faltering poll numbers and an apparently growing belief among voters that change may be in order." 3

MoveOn members are in a unique position to help bring about that change. Please take 30 minutes to help Busby win tomorrow. Click here to sign up:

Thank you.

-Adam, Tanya, Roy and the Political Action Team
Monday, June 5th, 2006


1. NRCC ad,

2. "Election in California a Cliffhanger," Washington Post, June 4, 2006.

3. Ibid.
With enough hard work, we could make history:
Yes, polls predict a close vote, and some have Busby in the lead. But in modern California political history, no congressional district with a solid Republican voter-registration margin has elected a Democrat -- and Republicans have a huge edge in the 50th, with 44 percent of voter registration compared with 30 percent for Democrats.
Let's finish the job.

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