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Friday, June 11, 2004

Extra-Credit Reading

Across the Atlantic | Justene Adamec | AfricaPundit | The Agitator | Allah | Alphecca | Ann Althouse | Steven Antler | A Small Victory | Atlantic Blog | Charles Austin | Professor Bainbridge | Baldilocks | Jack Balkin | Zachary Barbera | John Perry Barlow | Baseball Crank | Howard Bashman | N.Z. Bear | Mitch Berg | Big Arm Woman | Bigwig | BitchGirls | Blackfive | Tim Blair | Blaster's Blog | Blogosferics | Blogs of War | Rebecca Blood | The Bloviator | Moira Breen | Edward Boyd | Stuart Buck | Burchismo | Mark Byron | C.D. Harris | Frank Cagle | Brian Carnell | Cato the Youngest | Steven Chapman | ChicagoBoyz | Citizen Smash | Joshua Claybourn | Cold Fury | John Cole | Ed Cone | Jeff Cooper | Susanna Cornett | Colby Cosh | CounterRevolutionary | Bo Cowgill | Clayton Cramer | Cranky Professor | Crescat Sententia | Critical Mass | Crooked Timber | Cori Dauber | Deinonychus | Brad DeLong | Demosthenes | Steven Den Beste | Nick Denton | Martin Devon | Discriminations | Ben Domenech | Hossein Derakshan | DPM | Daniel Drezner | Ed Driscoll | Electrolite | John Ellis | Ernie the Attorney | Dean Esmay | Amitai Etzioni | Gary Farber | The Fat Guy | February 30 | Howard Fienberg | Flit | Dr. Frank | Fraters Libertas | Fried Man | FuturePundit | Rich Galen | GedankenPundit | Geek Press | Gene Expression | Jeff Goldstein | GreatestJeneration | Stephen Green | Gut Rumbles | Gweilo Diaries | HaightSpeech | Rich Hailey | Andrea Harris | Heather Havrilesky | Hawspipe | Jim Henley | William Hobbs | Kevin Holtsberry | The Homeless Guy | Hoosier Review | Horologium | Horsefeathers | Denise Howell | Matthew Hoy | Diana Hsieh | IMAO | Iberian Notes | InstaLawyer | IsntaPundit | Joanne Jacobs | Jeff Jarvis | Jessica's Well | Charles Johnson | Brothers Judd | Kate | Lynne Kiesling | Kathy Kinsley | Mark Kleiman | Alex Knapp | Dave Kopel | Jason Kottke | J.D. Lasica | Ken Layne | Kitchen Cabinet | LawMeme | Larry Lessig | James Lileks | Brian Linse | Listen Missy | Andrew Lloyd | Loco Parentis | Derek Lowe | Donald Luskin | Kieran Lyons | Megan McArdle | MadPony | Dr. Manhattan | Jay Manifold | Master of None | MCJ | H.D. Miller | Jim Miller | MinuteMan | Misha | Chris Mooney | Moxie | Mudville Gazette | Eric Muller | Iain Murray | Charles Murtaugh | Robert Musil | NanoDot | No Watermelons | Fredrik Norman | Brendan O'Neill | Obscure Store | Oliver & Watson | Andrew Olmsted | Dawn Olsen | Walter Olson | Howard Owens | OxBlog | Suman Palit | Damian Penny | Bill Peschel | Photon Courier | Tony Pierce | David Pinto | Stephen Pollard | Aziz Poonawalla | Jerry Pournelle | Power Line | Quare | Bill Quick | Rabbit Blog | Rantburg | Eric S. Raymond | RealClearPolitics | Right Wing News | Robin Roberts | Matt Rustler | Samizdata | John Scalzi | SCSU Scholars | Doc Searls | Andrea See | Donald Sensing | Stefan Sharkansky | Arthur Silber | Silent Running | Geitner Simmons | Laurence Simon | Roger L. Simon | Lynn Sislo | SKBubba | Skippy | Sgt. Stryker | Mike Silverman | Rand Simberg | SmartGenes | Sofia Sideshow | Natalie Solent | SpinSanity | Spinsters | Spoons | Bjorn Staerk | Sari Stein | Reid Stott | Tacitus | TalkLeft | Kim du Toit | Tonecluster | Jim Treacher | Eve Tushnet | Ublog | Howard Veit | The Volokh Conspiracy | War Liberal | Will Warren | Dr. Weevil | John Weidner | Matt Welch | Bill Whittle | Oliver Willis | Winds of Change | Dave Winer | Wunderkinder | Matthew Yglesias | Meryl Yourish | Pejman Yousefzadeh | Yuppies of Zion | Zogby Blog

A Moveable Beast | A N O M A L Y | A Small Victory | AboutItALL | Adam Curry | Adam's SmileZone | Adrants | Aged & Confused | Alas, a blog | Allan Moult | Altered Perception | Alterman, Eric | always write | | ambimb | Amish Tech Support | Andrew Sullivan | Angelchrys | Annessa | Arrogant Rants | Atrios/Eschaton | Backup Brain | Badri | Bias | Bibb's Revenge | Big Pink Cookie | Bill Hobbs | Biz Stone | Blog Daddy | Blog Left | Blog Privett | Blogdom | Blues Blog | Bogh, Elizabeth | Boochakanan | Bozzy's World | Brad Boyson (E=MC2) | Brian Kane | Bryan Bell | buffoonery | Buzz Machine / Jeff Jarvis | By Sand and Sea | Caeli Dictum | CalPundit | Cariads Realm | Catalogablog | Caveat Lector | chastitycatt | cheesybikini? | Chris Pirillo | Confused Kid | Country Keepers | Country Living / Escape | Cranky Chick | Creditwrench | DaGoddess | Daily Kos | Dan Bricklin | Dan Gillmor | Dane Carlson | Dargelos' Journal | Darius Trucker | DataAngel | Dave Barry | Dave Hill | Davezilla | dcthornton | Debs Mouse Spot | Decafbad | Delacour | Delirious Cool | Denton, Nick | Design Kitten | Disarranging Mine | | dive into mark | DiVERSiONZ | dixiblog | Doc Searls | dog:blog :: cat:chat | Dog News | Donald Sensing | dreaming in denmark | Dreaming Witch | Drezner,Daniel | dullest blog | Eject!Eject!Eject! | England's Sword | Eraine | Erik Benson | ErosBlog | everything falls | Feeny's | fmr*oi | forty.something | Gamer's Nook | Garden Spot | Gary Turner | Geek News | geekgrrl | geeky chick | girlwithagun | Gnome-Girl | Good News in Iraq | Google Puppet | Graphic Truth | Green Fairy | Hairy Eyeball | Heartened | Hestia Chronicles | hidden city | Homeless Guy | Howard Bashman | HughHewitt | Hugin and Munin | ickle fiction | Iddybud | ignispati | IIT-JEE | | Indigo Blog | indigoddess | Indigo Ocean | Inside Magic | insignificant thoughts | Inspiranote | InstaPundit | | Islam-4-Real | J.D. Lasica | Jae's World | James Bow | Jamie's | Jay Allen | Jay-Blog | Jenett.Radio | Jill Walker | Joho the Blog | Joi Ito | Joshua | Journal Life | Jumping Monkeys | JustOneMinute (Tom Maguire) | Just a Gwai Lo | Justin Pagano | jwrblog- Jeff Rine | K-SergioCarvalho | kadyellebee | Kalilily | Kane Blues | KaraC | Kasia | Kaus, Mickey | keanuvision | Kid's Korner | Killing Han | Kottke | Ktar6 | Lance Heathville | Languagehat | Last Day of My Life | Lawrence Lessig | Leptard | Lileks, James | Liquid Courage | Little Green Football | little orange crow | little. yellow. different. | Living w/o Microsoft | Loosely Coupled | LT SMASH | Ludwig | Lugar Nenhum | Luskin, Donald | Macdara Conroy | Mad Kane | Marc North | Marcus Brown | Marmalade | Matilda444 | Matty G | MaxSpeak | Meg Hourihan | | Midwest Bloggin' | Mike McBride | Mildly Suicidal | Missy Williams | Munnecke, Tom | Musil, Robert | naladahc | Neurotic Fishbowl | Newsrack | | (Gina) | No War Blog | Nonsense Verse | Not So Girlie ( | Nukevet Blog | NZPundit | Oklahoma Wine News | Oliver Willis | one girl's life | onegoodmove | Ordinary Morning | Overlawyered | Owl's Diary | oxymoronic | Painted-Turtle | PapaScott | patrickWeb | Patriot Blog | Peer2all | Philip Greenspun | photo matt | photojunkie | phpMP | Piano Forte | Pickle Juice | | Pinku | pippa said | Pizza Dreams | Planet Peschel | Plum Crazy | Polibus | Political Pulpit | PoliZeros | Prara | Quantum Philosophy | Quasi-Pundit | Questions… | | rabbit blog | Rachel Lucas | Radio.Weblogs | Raed, Where is | rageboy (egr) | Rainbow's | Rantburg | Rant-O-Rama | Real Lans | redsugar muse | Rex Hammock | Rhetorica | Right Thoughts | Right-Thinking | Rites of Passage | Rob Fahrni | RobbyB | Robert Prather | Rodent Regatta | Romenesko | RuminateThis | Sakamuyo | Sarah's Journal | Satan's Laundromat | Skineegrrl Action! | Schultz,Nick | Scripting News (Dave Winer) | SDAI-TECH1 | Sean Kirby | Seeds of a Madness Flower | Seth-Tech | sevitz | Sgt. Stryker | Shamrock Songs | Silflay Hraka | Slant/Point | sLesTa | snazzykat | Solonor's | South Knox Bubba | sphinx lounge | Spinsanity | Steven Vore | Sunidesus | swerdloff | Talking Points Memo | TalkLeft | TampaTantrum (Ain't too proud to beg) | Tax Guru | Technicolor Day | Terreus | Textism | The Fat Guy | theosebes | ThymeWise | Tim Blair | Tom Tomorrow | Tomalak's Realm | tranquileye | Transterrestrial Musings | Tribolum | TummyMonsters | Turkish Torque | | uberchick | Unix Gal | usr/bin/geek | USS Clueless | vejadu | Velcrometer | Very Happy | Virginia Postrel | Vodka Pundit | waferbaby | Web Voice | | Webspiffy | Wendy Knits | What is This? | Who Killed Theresa? | | Wi-Fi Networking | Wil Wheaton | Witold Riedel | Wry Writer | XMLHead | Yin Blog | Z o r bl o g | Zeldman, Jeffrey

- Bob Brigham
Bob Brigham Politics: Bay to the Beltway
Online + Campaigns + Politics + Elections + San Francisco + News + Blogs + Presidential + Battleground + Senate + Congress


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